Identification and rubust controllers for and electrostatic microgripper


In this paper, it is presented system identification and design of robust force controllers for an electrostatic microgripper grabbing a microparticle. Firstly, it is analysed the most common models in the literature and then the identification process is performed. It is identified a family of models of Box–Jenkins type. Linear controllers of increasing complexity are designed, which are of low order aiming to reduce the computational burden in real-time. The controllers must have robustness of stability and performance. Simulations are performed in order to validate the controllers, which have robustness of stability and performance. Suggestions of future work are presented.

FELIX, Andrei A.; COLÓN, Diego; VERONA, Bruno Marinaro; RAMOS, Luciana W.S. L.; COBAS-GOMEZ, Houari; GONGORA-RUBIO, Mario Ricardo. Identification and rubust controllers for and electrostatic microgripper. Journal Vibration Engineering and Technology, Sept., 11 p., 2020.

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