The adoption of technical standards for regulating Personal Protective Equipment in Brazil, in addition for trying to provide safer working conditions, presents as an objective to decrease the amount spent on accidental benefits and special pensions. Recently, the Special Secretariat of Social Security and Labor (SESPREVT) has adopted several standards to protect workers who use chainsaws regarding the protection of legs, feet, hands and trunk. IPT has, once again, pioneered the adequacy of the laboratory and the training of its technical staff to adopt updated standards and, thus, being up to this day the only laboratory in Brazil which performs Personal Protective Equipment testing for human safety. Given the poor disclosure of the content on the adopted standards and the need to disseminate this knowledge, this article aims at explaining the ISO 11393-2: 1999 standard for chainsaw leg guards.
OLIVEIRA, Nicole Aparecida Amorim de; ANDRADE, Sandro Gonçalves, de; CLEMENTINO, Felipe Cintra; ZAGO, David Henrique; KOVATCH, Pedro Yuri; LIMA, Fernando Soares de. Equipamentos de proteção individual: o uso da norma ISO 11393-1:1999 para ensaio em protetores de perna para uso de motosserrista. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.4, n.13, p. 61-76, abr., 2020.
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The adoption of technical standards for regulating Personal Protective Equipment in Brazil, in addition for trying to provide safer working conditions, presents as an objective to decrease the amount spent on accidental benefits and special pensions. Recently, the Special Secretariat of Social Security and Labor (SESPREVT) has adopted several standards to protect workers who use chainsaws regarding the protection of legs, feet, hands and trunk. IPT has, once again, pioneered the adequacy of the laboratory and the training of its technical staff to adopt updated standards and, thus, being up to this day the only laboratory in Brazil which performs Personal Protective Equipment testing for human safety. Given the poor disclosure of the content on the adopted standards and the need to disseminate this knowledge, this article aims at explaining the ISO 11393-2: 1999 standard for chainsaw leg guards.
OLIVEIRA, Nicole Aparecida Amorim de; ANDRADE, Sandro Gonçalves, de; CLEMENTINO, Felipe Cintra; ZAGO, David Henrique; KOVATCH, Pedro Yuri; LIMA, Fernando Soares de. Equipamentos de proteção individual: o uso da norma ISO 11393-1:1999 para ensaio em protetores de perna para uso de motosserrista. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.4, n.13, p. 61-76, abr., 2020.
Access to the article on the journal’s website: