Estudo de aplicação de controle e preditivo num processo de criztalização por evaporação múltiplo-efeito


The method development that increase the efficiency of the crystallization process control has gained importance due to the need for improvements in production rate, minimizing energy costs and maintenance of the particles. In this study the authors applied a predictive controller (MPC) to a crystallization process sodium chloride multiple-effect evaporation, with parallel feed, allowing the plant search in real time, the best operating point within the limits defined. First, a phenomenological model has been created by nonlinear mass balance, energy and momentum considering crystallization kinetics, such that it can simulate the dynamics of operation of the operating dependently five effects. The physical model enabled the use of a controller with MPC type control zones by allowing the main output variables are within an acceptable range of operation, the optimum process under current conditions. At the same system was also applied a classical PID controller for assessing gains by advanced control technique based on the prediction of the future state of the plant, which provides better stability q drop in energy consumption

SILVA, André Luiz Nunes da; SECKLER, M.M.; ODLOAK, D. Estudo de aplicação de controle e preditivo num processo de criztalização por evaporação múltiplo-efeito. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA QUÍMICA, COBEQ, 19., 2012, Búzio, RJ. Anais… São Paulo: ABEQ, 2012. 10p.

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