Study of the performance of small and average plating facilities for sanitary utensils


The aim of this work was to study the performance of ten small and medium-size companies in the City of São Paulo regarding the surface finishing of sanitary metals. This work was performed by the Corrosion and Protection Laboratory of IPT. The operating conditions and the surface finishing quality were focused aiming at identifying the specific problems of this segment. The selected plating companies apply decorative chromium on brass sanitary metals. It was noted that there was a certain homogeneity in their deposition processes. All of them follow the same routines and use similar plating baths with similar additives. Among the problems encountered, the main one was the pre-treatment inefficiency, which causes a lack of adherence of the deposits.

DI GIORGI, Francisco. Estudo sobre o desempenho no setor de galvanoplastia de pequenas e médias empresas de metais sanitários. In: ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO DE TRATAMENTO DE SUPERFÍCIE, 4., 1985, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABTS, 1985. p. 136-144.(IPT Publicação 2036: CT)

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