Metallic cans and packaging materials failures in service


One of the aims of the Laboratory of Corrosion and Electroplating of IPT is the study of failures in metallic products. In this paper twenty four case failures of metallic cans and packaging materials occurred in between 1972 to 1992 are presented. Abrasion during transportation was the reason for failure on imported teenplate foil. Internal corrosion due to the aggressive action of the packed product and external corrosion due to atmospheric corrosion are the reasons for the corrosion of metallic cans. Measures for the best adequacy product/package and package/ external environment are suggested.

PANOSSIAN, Z.; DI GIORGI, F. Embalagens e materiais de embalagem metálicos: falhas em serviço. In: WORLD CONFERENCE ON PACKAGING, 8., São Paulo, 1993. Proceedings… s.l.: IAPRI, 1993. v. 1, p. 413-434. (IPT Publicação 2142: CT)

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