Emission of particulate material (PM) in the burning of Brazil fuel oil


The fuel oils used in Brazil are commonly called “ultra-viscous” due to the fact that they have viscosity well above those used in other countries. The use of these oils in conventional combustion equipment (furnaces and boilers) has a high propensity to emit atmospheric pollutants, particularly particulate matter (PM). The emitted PM is basically organic and consists of a smaller portion of small particles (less than 1 μm), called “soot” and a preponderant portion of larger particles (up to about 100 μm), called “coke”. PM in the atmosphere is harmful to the environment and can cause respiratory illness in humans. National environmental agencies have atmospheric monitoring stations and legislation that establish air quality and emission standards for this pollutant. PM emission can be reduced by using gas cleaning systems (centrifugal separators, filters, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators) or by acting on the process in order to minimize its formation (adjustment of excess combustion air, improved in the nebulization of the oil, improved in the mixing of the oil with the air in the combustion chamber, use of emulsified oil, use of combustion additives – catalysts and asphaltene dispersants). These last ones, being very effective, have been investigated for several years by the Thermal Engineering Laboratory of Institute for Technological Research of the State of São Paulo. Extensive experimental work has already been carried out using the test furnaces and the laboratory nebulization bench. In addition, the Laboratory team has regularly gone to the industries with its mobile unit to survey PM emissions and other variables of the combustion process and then recommend and eventually implement measures that lead to its reduction.

VERGNHANINI FILHO, Renato. Emissão de material particulado (MP) na queima de óleo combustível nacional. Revista IPT: Tecnologia e inovação, v.1, n.4, p. 44-57, abr., 2017.

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