Efeito do gás sulfídrico sobre componentes do sistema elétrico


Topper and its alloys when exposed in atmosphere contaminated with sulphur compounds present stains due to sulfidation. This sulfidation is markedly influenced by temperature and air relative humidity. In this works, results from tests with three years of exposition in atmospheres containing H2S and O2 are related; such results show that the use of these materials in regions with these contaminants must be done with restriction. Besides the high copper corrosion rates, corrosion products which form on this metal can cause serious problems to the electric contact.

KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; ALMEIDA, N.L. Efeito do gás sulfídrico nos componentes do sistema de transmissão de energia elétrica. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, 16., Rio de Janeiro, 1991. Anais…. Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1991. p. 84-101. (IPT Pub. 1892)

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