Premature lead acid positive pole corrosion is very common mainly on stationary ones. The exposition of these positive poles to humid gases containing some sulfuric acid generated during charging provokes the anodic corrosion. Note that the destruction by corrosion of the pole occurs in conjunction to the formation of lead oxide which as soon it forms over the lead increases its original volume, till it breaks the battery jar. At the same time the swelling of the positive plates occurs. Coating of the positive pole with plastics at the intermediary region between the part of the pole immersed in the acid solution and that which is connected to the external borne contributes to the decrease of corrosion problem.
DI GIORGI, F.; ALMEIDA, L. A. B.; KATANO, O. J. Corrosão dos polos positivos de baterias de chumbo ácido. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, 17, 1993, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1993, v.1, p.492-504.
Premature lead acid positive pole corrosion is very common mainly on stationary ones. The exposition of these positive poles to humid gases containing some sulfuric acid generated during charging provokes the anodic corrosion. Note that the destruction by corrosion of the pole occurs in conjunction to the formation of lead oxide which as soon it forms over the lead increases its original volume, till it breaks the battery jar. At the same time the swelling of the positive plates occurs. Coating of the positive pole with plastics at the intermediary region between the part of the pole immersed in the acid solution and that which is connected to the external borne contributes to the decrease of corrosion problem.
DI GIORGI, F.; ALMEIDA, L. A. B.; KATANO, O. J. Corrosão dos polos positivos de baterias de chumbo ácido. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, 17, 1993, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1993, v.1, p.492-504.