Hot-water-boiler stainless steel tube corrosion


In this paper, a case history of crevice corrosion of AISI 304 stainless steel tubes in boiler hot water is presented. Generalized corrosion was observed with high incidence of pits on the internal surface of the tubes where combustion gases are circulated. An explanation for the corrosion occurrence is given based on the adhered corrosion product analyses. The corrosion cause was attributed to the high sulfur content of the oil fuel which allowed the formation of sulfuric acid. An incomplete combustion was also pointed as corrosion promoter, which determines ash deposition on the surface of the metal and, thus, the formation of crevices.

PANOSSIAN KAJIMOTO; Z.P.; TANAKA, D.K. Corrosão de tubos de aço inoxidável de uma caldeira de água quente. In: SEMINÁRIO DE INSPEÇÃO DE EQUIPAMENTOS, 10., 1980, São Paulo. Trabalhos publicados… São Paulo: IBP, 1980. p. 125-132.

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