Contributions for the improvement of the simplified method for evaluating the thermal performance of roofs provided by standard NBR 15575:2013


The objective of this paper is to support the improvement of the standard NBR 15575:2013 regarding the assessment of thermal performance of roofs through the simplified method. In Annex I of part 5 of this standard, there is an observation regarding this method, in the foot note of table I.4, stating that, for Bioclimatic Zone 8, ceramic roof tiles, even without a ceiling, would achieve the “Minimum” performance. In this sense, there are works that demonstrate exactly an opposite conclusion. In order to elucidate this issue, thermal simulations of housing located in Bioclimatic Zone 8, with several types of roofing and different ventilation conditions on a typical summer day, were performed. The obtained results indicate that, for roofs without thermal insulation, just an increase in attic ventilation is not enough to improve the thermal performance of the dwelling, since it does not affect the heat exchange which occurs by radiation. Only with the use of thermal-insulation materials, a significant improvement in the thermal performance of the housing is achieved.


BRITO, Adriana de Camargo de; PIRES, Henrique Lima; AKUTSU, Maria. Contribuições para o aprimoramento do método simplificado de avaliação do desempenho térmico de coberturas previsto na norma NBR 15575. Revista IPT Tecnologia e Inovação, v.2, n.9, p.6-13, dez., 2018.

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