Contribuições para o aprimoramento da norma regulamentadora NR 15 para avaliação da sobrecarga térmica de trabalhadores


The Brazilian Standard NR 15 establishes criteria in order to evaluate the heat stress of workers based in measurements and calculation of Wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) – WBGT. However, this standard does not specify procedures to perform the measurements including the time of year and the period in which the measurements have to be made. The evaluator is free to make decisions on such issues. As the climatic conditions influence the thermal behavior of the buildings it can affect also the IBUTG values. Thus, it is necessary take into consideration the period of the year in the assessment. The objective is to present contributions to the improvement of the Brazilian Standard NR 15 related to the assessment of the heat stress of workers. It was presented a case study and the results were used as a basis to suggest the adoption of procedures for evaluation of heat stress according to The Brazilian Standard NR 15.

BRITO, Adriana Camargo; AKUTSU, Maria; AQUILINO, Marcelo de Mello; VITTORINO, Fúlvio. Contribuições para o aprimoramento da norma regulamentadora NR 15 para avaliação da sobrecarga térmica de trabalhadores. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, Desafios e perspectivas da internacionalização da construção, 16., 2016, São Paulo. Anais… Porto Alegre: ANTAC, 2016. p. 591-603

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