Contribuições para o aprimoramento da NBR 15.575 referente ao método simplificado de avaliação de desempenho térmico de edifícios


The criteria used in the process of evaluation of thermal performance of buildings done by basic methods must ensure that buildings systems that are totally unsuitable to climatic conditions be rapidly identified and discarded or improved. Thus, the simplified method of evaluation of the thermal performance of buildings present in the current version of the ABNT NBR 15575 standard, which sets limit values for the thermal properties representative of the constructive systems, without considering the building design, has proved limited. In current patterns, the criteria relating to bioclimatic zone 8, lack, in particular, the necessary accuracy, allowing certain building systems to be approved, without the essential characteristics to generate a minimum thermal performance for residential buildings. This paper presents and discusses the limitations of the basic method and the criteria of this zone in order to generate contributions for its improvement.


BRITO, Adriana Camargo de; AKUTSU, Maria; VITTORINO, Fúlvio ; AQUILINO, Marcelo de Mello . Contribuições para o aprimoramento da NBR 15.575 referente ao método simplificado de avaliação de desempenho térmico de edifícios. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 14., 2012, Juíz de Fora/MG. Anais… 7 p.

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