It is very well known the corrosion protection given by zinc coatings to steel which is in the origin of the usage of galvanized steel for roof and for water and gas pipe. In particular the last two ones for buildings in our country. The protective nature of mortar and concrete to steel is extended also to the galvanized steel. However many cases of failure were observed with these pipes. The main reason for these failures was the defective coating of mortar over the pipes in a humid environment. Two cases of buildings gas pipe failure are discussed.
DI GIORGI, F. Corrosão de tubo de aço galvanizado embutido em argamassa. In: CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM, 48., 1993, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABM, 1993.
It is very well known the corrosion protection given by zinc coatings to steel which is in the origin of the usage of galvanized steel for roof and for water and gas pipe. In particular the last two ones for buildings in our country. The protective nature of mortar and concrete to steel is extended also to the galvanized steel. However many cases of failure were observed with these pipes. The main reason for these failures was the defective coating of mortar over the pipes in a humid environment. Two cases of buildings gas pipe failure are discussed.
DI GIORGI, F. Corrosão de tubo de aço galvanizado embutido em argamassa. In: CONGRESSO ANUAL DA ABM, 48., 1993, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABM, 1993.