Comportamento mecânico de revestimento externo com islante térmico – EIFS


This article discusses the structural performance of Exterior Insulation Facade System which depends on the mechanical and physical characteristics of its components (adhesive, thermal insulation and base coat) and the bond strengths among them. A literarure review and case studies were done to conduct the work. The results presented here are part of a science master degree dissertation. The adhesion resistance between the adhesive and the base coat influences the structural performance of the Exterior Insulation Facade System. The insulating
material increases the thermal resistance of the wall, but its coefficient of expansion and modulus of elasticity differ significantly from other components. Then its expansion causes stresses that require greater bond strength. The base coat acts to contain the dilations and can be considered as an essential reinforcement. The supplementary mechanical fixation discussed here is important, and it facilitates the stability of all types of Exterior Insulation Facade Systems. Characteristics such as fire safety, thermal efficiency, durability and maintainability of the Exterior Insulation Facade Systems were not discussed in this article but should be analyzed in any design with Exterior Insulation Facade System on building facades in Brazil.

OLIVEIRA, Luciana Alves de; TEIXEIRA, Evania Sabará Leite. Comportamento mecânico de revestimento externo com islante térmico – EIFS. Revista IPT, Tecnologia e Inovação, v.4, n.13, p. 61-76, abr., 2020.

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