This work presents the deformation values measured on a specially designed device that allowed the comparison between two distinct strain-gage technologies: electric and optical strain-gages. The sensors were bonded to the substrate by means of two different methods, Eventually the performance of sensors was compared with each other.
CORDEIRO, João Carlos Sávio; LOPES, Luiz Eduardo; PEREIRA FILHO, Mario Leite; FERREIRA JR., Antonio Francisco Gentil. Comparação de medições utilizando extensometros elétricos e sensoriamento por fibra óptica. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE METROLOGIA MECÂNICA, CIMEC, 3., 2014, Gramado. Anais… 6 p.
CORDEIRO, João Carlos Sávio; LOPES, Luiz Eduardo; PEREIRA FILHO, Mario Leite; FERREIRA JÚNIOR, Antonio Francisco Gentil. Comparação de medições utilizando extensometros elétricos e sensoriamento por fibra óptica. Jornal da Metrologia, set. 2015.
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