Causas da ocorrência de pites em cupons de aço carbono



Recurrence in identifying pits on coupons from pipelines without history and values ​​of pitting corrosion rates predominantly low, hypothesized that this phenomenon was associated with the characteristics of coupons used and not with the aggressiveness of product transported by pipeline . Before treatment of coupons for the laboratory tests it was found that some coupons had an advanced corrosion process occurred during storage. Coupons mass loss from different sources were subjected to immersion tests, electrochemical tests, characterization of material and energy dispersive analysis. The results indicated the occurrence of pits was associated with the manufacturing process of the material

ALMEIDA,N.L; TIROEL L.C.O; BERNAL A.G.; LAURINO,E.W; NAGAYASSU V.Y; JORGE V.A. Causas da ocorrência de pites em cupons de aço carbono. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, INTERCORR, 30., 2010, Fortaleza. Anais… Fortaleza: ABRACO, 2010.

This work was presented at the event INTERCORR ‘2010, for the complete article please contact ABRACO – Associação Brasileira de Corrosão by email:

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