Corrosão de luvas de chumbo em galerias subterrâneas de alta tensão


Lead joints used in the junction of high voltage eletrical cables for telephone and electrical transmission lines are susceptible to corrosion when exposed to the subsoil galleries ambient. At these places they remain in a high temperature and high humidity conditions even in a permanent water immersion situation. Topper ground cables which are attached to the lead joints were the cause of that observed galvanic corrosion. Stray currents which were detected in these cables may have accelerated the corrosion process.

DI GIORGI, F.; ALMEIDA, L.A.B Corrosão de luvas de chumbo em galerias subterrâneas de alta tensão. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, 16., Rio de Janeiro, 1991. Anais…. Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1991. p. 102-106. (IPT Publicação, 1892)

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