Brazilian and Portuguese cities have a rich tile present both inside and outside of its historic buildings. The characterization of materials constituting this coating is essential to carrying out measures for the maintenance and rehabilitation of this property. In this study, we characterized samples of cement mortar tile from Brazil and Portugal in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. On these samples, studies were performed as análie chemical mineralogical, petrographic and thermogravimetric, through which we could observe caracterísitias similar and different between the historical mortars
JAPIASSÚ, Pammila; CARASEK, Helena; CASCUDO, Oswaldo; VELOSA, Ana Luísa; OLIVEIRA, Mírian Cruxên Barros de; CHOTOLI, Fabiano Ferreira; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Angelo. Caracterização de argamassas de assentamento de revestimentos azulejares históricos do século XIX do Brasil e de Portugal. In: CONGRESSO PORTUGUÊS DE ARGAMASSAS E ETICS, 4., 2012, Coimbra. Anais… Lisboa: Associação Portuguêsa dos Fabricantes de Argamassas de Construção, 2012. v.1, p.1-12
Brazilian and Portuguese cities have a rich tile present both inside and outside of its historic buildings. The characterization of materials constituting this coating is essential to carrying out measures for the maintenance and rehabilitation of this property. In this study, we characterized samples of cement mortar tile from Brazil and Portugal in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. On these samples, studies were performed as análie chemical mineralogical, petrographic and thermogravimetric, through which we could observe caracterísitias similar and different between the historical mortars
JAPIASSÚ, Pammila; CARASEK, Helena; CASCUDO, Oswaldo; VELOSA, Ana Luísa; OLIVEIRA, Mírian Cruxên Barros de; CHOTOLI, Fabiano Ferreira; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Angelo. Caracterização de argamassas de assentamento de revestimentos azulejares históricos do século XIX do Brasil e de Portugal. In: CONGRESSO PORTUGUÊS DE ARGAMASSAS E ETICS, 4., 2012, Coimbra. Anais… Lisboa: Associação Portuguêsa dos Fabricantes de Argamassas de Construção, 2012. v.1, p.1-12