Watts nickel plating; part III: plating bath and nickel deposit properties


In this work, the following properties of Watts nickel plating baths are discussed: the anodic and cathodic current efficiency and the throwing power. Then, the causes of the formation of pits, pores and cracks in the nickel deposits are discussed as well as the lack of adherence and formation, the main reasons for the lack of grip and the burning of deposits. Finally, the composition of the bath is discussed, with emphasis on the presence of cobalt, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, chloride and carbon.

PANOSSIAN, Z. Banho de níquel tipo Watts; parte 3: propriedades dos banhos e dos eletrodepósitos de níquel. Tratamento de Superfície, São Paulo, v. 17, n. 76, p. 28, 32-33, 36, mar./abr., 1996

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