Outdoors corrosion performance of brazilian galvanized steel sheets


Eight case histories of outdoors corrosion performance of galvanized steel sheets, are reported. Six cases refer to Brazilian made sheets white two refer to imported sheets. In almost all cases to Brazilian made sheets developed red corrosion after short periods of outdoors exposure while the service life of foreign sheets was considerably longer. The low performance of Brazilian galvanized sheets was in practically all cases due to the use of low thichness zinc coating in medium and highly corrosive environments. The Brazilian standards of galvanized products are discussed and recommendations as to the criteria for specification of zinc coatings are given.

PANOSSIAN KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; WOLYNEC, S.; TANAKA, D.K.; DI GIORGI; F.; CHAVES, R.. Avaliação do desempenho de chapas de aço galvanizadas nacionais em ambientes externos. In: ENCONTRO BRASILEIRO DE TRATAMENTO DE SUPERFÍCIE, 5., 1987, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABTS, 1987. p. 315-330. / e / In: ENCONTRO DE TECNOLOGIA E UTILIZAÇÃO DE AÇOS NACIONAIS, 2, 1987, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABM/COPPE, 1987. p.462-483. (IPT Pub.licação,1952)

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