Desenvolvimento de uma bancada de teste acelerado de durabilidade para máquinas agrícolas


In order to increase field machinery availability it is mandatory that the project and development cycle include a reliability assessment based on physical durability testing due to limitations of fatigue prediction design tools. This work presents the general procedure of an approach of accelerated durability test and the details of a specific test bench developed for a sugar cane harvester testing. The aim of the test bench, designed with six servo-controlled hydraulic actuators, is to move and excite the structure and components of the harvester according to a set of reference signals generated from signal processing of accelerometer and strain gage, obtained during field operation. After some adjustments it was possible to reasonably reproduce the set of reference signals and execute the harvester accelerated durability test.

ANTÔNIO, Sergio Francisco Dela; ALMEIDA, Rynaldo Zanotele Hemerly de; NISHIMURA, Cláudio Massumi Oda; CORDEIRO, João Carlos Sávio; LOPES, Luiz Eduardo ; VICENTE, José Gabriel. Desenvolvimento de uma bancada de teste acelerado de durabilidade para máquinas agrícolas. In: CONGRESSO SAE BRASIL, A ENGENHARIA DO FUTURO NOVOS HORIZONTES PARA A MOBILIDADE, 2018., São Paulo. Anais… 8 p.

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