Phase change materials or PCMs have a thermal capacity significantly higher than other building materials, due to its cyclical changes of state, which allows them to absorb or dissipate large amount of latent heat. There are several models available to simulate the thermal and energy performance of buildings with PCMs, such as EnergyPlus, ESP-r and TRNSYS. Many of these models were validated with good reliability of the results when compared to experimental data. However, several researchers have pointed out some factors that can be improved. The objective of this paper is to verify the similarity between simulated and measured data in order to identify limitations of the EnergyPlus software in modeling the thermal behavior of buildings composed of these materials. The results showed the measured and simulated data have the same order of magnitude. The EnergyPlus software has potential to be applied in assessments of the buildings thermal behavior with PCMs.
Brito, Adriana Camargo de; Sales, Elisa Morandé ; Castro, Guilherme Molnar ; Akutsu, Maria . Análise da resposta do Programa Energy Plus para simulação do comportamento térmico de recinto com materiais de mudança de fase. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 13., ENCONTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 9., São Carlos, 2015. Anais.. + Slides da Apresentação. 7 p + 12 slides.
Phase change materials or PCMs have a thermal capacity significantly higher than other building materials, due to its cyclical changes of state, which allows them to absorb or dissipate large amount of latent heat. There are several models available to simulate the thermal and energy performance of buildings with PCMs, such as EnergyPlus, ESP-r and TRNSYS. Many of these models were validated with good reliability of the results when compared to experimental data. However, several researchers have pointed out some factors that can be improved. The objective of this paper is to verify the similarity between simulated and measured data in order to identify limitations of the EnergyPlus software in modeling the thermal behavior of buildings composed of these materials. The results showed the measured and simulated data have the same order of magnitude. The EnergyPlus software has potential to be applied in assessments of the buildings thermal behavior with PCMs.
Brito, Adriana Camargo de; Sales, Elisa Morandé ; Castro, Guilherme Molnar ; Akutsu, Maria . Análise da resposta do Programa Energy Plus para simulação do comportamento térmico de recinto com materiais de mudança de fase. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 13., ENCONTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 9., São Carlos, 2015. Anais.. + Slides da Apresentação. 7 p + 12 slides.