Análise da atividade pozolânica da areia de cinza do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar

The study of waste potential use in cementitious matrix is important to concrete technology. In this context, this study used a waste from sugarcane mills, the sugarcane bagasse ash sand (SBAS). This waste is generated on a large scale, in the State of São Paulo is estimated at 6,000 tons / day. This study aimed to analyze the pozzolanicity of SBAS samples in different particle sizes. Therefore, samples were collected in a sugarcane mill and grinded in the laboratory. Firstly the following characterization tests were performed: laser size distribution, specific gravity, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. Then were performed the modified Chapelle test (NBR 15895:2010), the activity index with lime (NBR 5751:2015) and the performance index with Porltland cement (NBR 5752:2014). Through the results, it was found that the samples did not show sufficient reactivity for use as pozzolan in cimentitious matrix.
MORETTI, Juliana Petermann; SALES, Almir; QUARCIONI, Valdecir Ângelo; SANTOS, Rafael Francisco Cardoso dos. Análise da atividade pozolânica da areia de cinza do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DO CONCRETO, 58., 2016, Belo Horizonte. Anais… 12 p. 

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