New method for characterization of retroreflective materials


The present article aims to propose a new method of analyzing the properties of retroreflective materials using a goniophotometer. The aim is to establish a higher resolution test method with a wide range of viewing angles, taking into account a three-dimensional analysis of the retroreflection of the tested material. The validation was performed by collecting data from specimens collected from materials used in safety clothing and road signs. The approach showed that the results obtained by the proposed method are comparable to the results obtained by the normative protocols, representing an evolution for the metrology of these materials.

SANCHEZ JUNIOR, Oswaldo; SILVA, Emerson Santos; BARROS, Kelvis do Nascimento; VITRO, José Geraldo. New method for characterization of retroreflective materials. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA ÓPTICA – CBMO, 2., 2017, Fortaleza. Anais… 5p.

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