Near infrared spectroscopy in wooden floor: application for wood discrimiation and air-dry density estimation


We evaluated the application of near-infrared spectroscopy as a non-destructive method for identification of wood floor parts and its potential to estimate the air-dry density. The classification model was developed to identify cumaru wood sample on an array of mix-wood floor parts from parts from sucupira and garapa. The model was capable of discriminate all non-cumaru, a result that encourage the use of the NIR spectroscopy for wood floor inspections. For air-dry density estimation, the best model developed had satisfactory results just to initial screening and not for a quality control program.

PIGOZZO, Raphael Jaquier Bossier; YOJO, Takashi. Near infrared spectroscopy in wooden floor: application for wood discrimiation and air-dry density estimation. In: INTERNATIONAL NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION OF WOOD SYMPOSIUM, 19., 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings… General Technical Report FPL-GTR 239. 4 p.

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