Loss model assumptions for evaluation of electric steels at high operating frequency and induction


The deduction of the classical expressions for parasitic losses in electrical steel sheets usually employs various simplifying assumptions. The major ones are the assumption that induction and magnetic permeability are constant throughout the thickness of the plate. The skin effects and magnetic flux shielding are also not considered. These expressions provide values overrated for eddy losses at high frequencies and high inductions. Through more comprehensive models and numerical simulations, it was possible to illustrate how these assumptions differ from reality in these operating conditions.

MARTIN, Ramon Valls. PEREIRA FILHO, Mario Leite; TEIXEIRA, J.C . Loss model assumptions for evaluation of electric steels at high operating frequency and induction. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ELETROMAGNESTISMO, 12., 2016, Porto Alegre. Anais… 5 p.

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