Investigations on pollutants gaseous in museum environments


The Museum of Art of São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand – MASP was founded in 1947, but only in 1968 was installed on the modern building of concrete and glass at Avenida Paulista. Shortly after its last revitalization in 2000 (Fig. 34), there were detected grey points and spots (Fig. 35) in bronze sculptures that were in exhibition in the museum exhibition hall. The research began with the raising of all new materials inserted in this space after renovation. For many years now British care and study the various types of pollutants within and outside of museums. In 1973, the British Museum in London developed a relatively simple and inexpensive system, which allows analysing any and all new material introduced
in its galleries. Developed by Andrew Oddy, the Oddy Test has as principle to analyse gases possible to be emitted by diverse material introduce in its galleries. The test is run on copper, lead and silver plates sealed in a glass container along with the material wishing to be analysed and puts the kit to high temperature and humidity. Each of these metals will be responsible to detect different components
that might eventually harm the conservation of works of art.

BARBOSA, Karen Cristine; MOREIRA, Anna Ramus. Investigações sobre gases poluentes em ambientes museológicos. In: SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE CONSERVAÇÃO DE ESCULTURA MODERNA, 2012, São Paulo. Trabalhos… São Paulo: MAC, 2014. (on-line)

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