Inspeção predial do sistema de chuveiros automáticos: um roteiro comentado sobre is requisitos


Sprinklers systems have been employed for more than two centuries as a fire protection system, specially in North America. In Brazil the installation of fire sprinkler systems is found, usually in high rise buildings and in large buildings with moderate or high fire load. This hidraulic system is unique in fire protection due to the rational, quick and automatic attack over the fire. Among its advantages, besides the sustainability, is increasily the way it protects the occupants and firemen during a fire attack. Whether the fire will is not extinguished it should be confined. Nevertheless a very well projected and installed system is not enough for the fire protection; it has to be maintained. Therefore, building maintenance is closely related to the theme, since the efficiency depends on the proper functioning of the fire pumps, valves, heads and sufficient amount of water. Because of that, there are many components to be periodically checked and tested in order to prevent failure or defects. During this research it was possible to confirm that the checklist, a risk assessment technique, may be used in the risk management process as a tool.The aim of this dissertation is to define the requirements for inspecting and testing sprinkler systems, according to the brazilian standard NBR 10897. The explaining for this research began when the author started his job as a fire officer, during fire inspections specially when the sprinklers systems were defective. The research is also justified for the legal and management aspectsrelated to maintenance managemnt. The research about the inspection of fire sprinklers system was carried on literature survey and a field survey over the sprinklers failures found in more than 100 premises in São Paulo during 2013. The hypothetical dedutive method was employed. The work proposes a commented and illustrated checklist. Thus a tool for preventive maintenance was pursued in such a way that buildings may have reliable fire sprinklers.

ARMANI, Cassio Roberto; SCABBIA, André Luiz Gonçalves. Inspeção predial do sistema de chuveiros automáticos: um roteiro comentado sobre os requisitos. In: CONGRESSO INSTITUTO SPRINKLER BRASIL DE TRABALHOS TÉCNICOS, 3., 2016, São Paulo. Prêmio Instituto Sprinkler Brasil de trabalhos técnicos. 150 p.

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