Electrical interference and electrolytic corrosion of transmission line foundations


This paper presents the results of a research made by IPT – Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnólogicas of São Paulo State and Eletropaulo about the influence of stray currents on the corrosion of electrical transmission tower foundations. The currents were generated mainly by impressed current cathodic protection system and by the electrified traction systems. Mechanisms of capitation and transportation of stray currents through the electric energy transmission net system is discussed.

PANOSSIAN, Z.; ALMEIDA, N. L.; SIQUEIRA, F. J.; MORI, M. K. Interferência elétrica e corrosão eletrolítica de fundações de linhas de transmissão. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CORROSÃO, 17., 1993, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… Rio de Janeiro: ABRACO, 1993. v. 1, p. 400-410.

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