Models for evaluating structural wood damaged by xylophagous



This paper presents a method that can be used in inspections to verify the safety of structural buildings components and considers the experience and knowledge of engineering, wood anatomy, entomology and mycology, acquired over the years in inspections carried out in wood structures. The basics for this work was a model of resistance related to simple bending which extend to other types of loadings, with possible applications in structural analysis of shears, rafters, beams and pillars. Four models to estimate the loss of mechanical strength on structural wood were defined based on the theory of strength of materials and on the type and intensity of the biological attack. The proposed method has several applications and can even be used for verification of wooden structures of buildings of architectural heritage.


YOJO, Takashi; MONTEIRO, Maria Beatriz Bacellar; FIGUEROA, Fabiola Margoth Zambrano; LOPEZ, Gonzalo Antonio Carballeira; MIRANDA, Maria José de Andrade Casimiro. Models for evaluating structural wood damaged by xylophagous. In: WORLD CONFERENCE ON TIMBER ENGINEERING, 2012, Auckland New Zeland. Proceedings…. 5 p.

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