A mathematical model to simulate the solidification of Nd-Fe-B alloys by the strip casting process was implemented. The model was based on the undimensional heat conduction equation applied to the thickness of the strip and to the wall of the water-cooled roll of the casting machine. The numerical solution of the equations yielded the profile of solid fraction along the strip thickness and the temperature along the strip and roll wall. The temperature of a point on the roll external surface oscillates owing to cycles of contact with the liquid alloy stream and detachment of a piece of strip. The average temperature of the roll wall increases with time, decreasing the strip cooling-rate. Even at the beginning of the process, pieces of strip are not completely solid as they detach from the roll.
JABES, Eduardo Gimenes; MARTORANO, Marcelo de Aquino; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista; SILVEIRA, João Ricardo Filipini da; NAGASIMA, Thiago Pires. Modelo matemático para a solidificação de ligas do Sistema ND-FE-B no processo de lingotamento de tiras. In: SEMINÁRIO DE ACIARIA, FUNDIÇÃO E METALURGIA DE NÃO-FERROSOS, 50.; ABM WEEK, 5., 2019, São Paulo. Anais… 12 p.
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A mathematical model to simulate the solidification of Nd-Fe-B alloys by the strip casting process was implemented. The model was based on the undimensional heat conduction equation applied to the thickness of the strip and to the wall of the water-cooled roll of the casting machine. The numerical solution of the equations yielded the profile of solid fraction along the strip thickness and the temperature along the strip and roll wall. The temperature of a point on the roll external surface oscillates owing to cycles of contact with the liquid alloy stream and detachment of a piece of strip. The average temperature of the roll wall increases with time, decreasing the strip cooling-rate. Even at the beginning of the process, pieces of strip are not completely solid as they detach from the roll.
JABES, Eduardo Gimenes; MARTORANO, Marcelo de Aquino; FERREIRA NETO, João Batista; SILVEIRA, João Ricardo Filipini da; NAGASIMA, Thiago Pires. Modelo matemático para a solidificação de ligas do Sistema ND-FE-B no processo de lingotamento de tiras. In: SEMINÁRIO DE ACIARIA, FUNDIÇÃO E METALURGIA DE NÃO-FERROSOS, 50.; ABM WEEK, 5., 2019, São Paulo. Anais… 12 p.
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