Statistical method for handling of heterogeneous samples in interlaboratory comparisons


Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons is used to determine the performance of individual laboratories for specific tests and monitor the ongoing performance of laboratories. Premise is that all participating laboratories receive samples comparable, and that these remain stable during the proficiency test. This paper presents the statistical procedure for evaluating the results of tests performed by laboratories participating in the proficiency testing program offered by IPT for determination of moisture content in plywood panel, considering the characteristics of the material and respecting the requirements established by ISO / IEC 17043:2011.

YOJO, Takashi; MATTEUCCI, Cyntia; MIRANDA, Maria José de Andrade Casimiro; OLIVEIRA, Claudio Batista de. Método estatístico para tratamento de amostras heterogêneas em comparações interlaboratoriais. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE METROLOGIA, 7., 2013, Ouro Preto. Anais... 4 p.

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