The demand for electricity has been increasing year by year, and the lighting being responsible for much of the energy consumed in buildings and systems in urban areas, demanding action to improve energy efficiency. Use of natural light is one of the factors that contribute most to obtain energy savings of buildings’ lighting. The improvement of energy performance of buildings was through the analysis of light shelves’ behavior. Were performed computer simulations using TropLux program in order to analyze the lighting performance of the environment and thereby quantify the potential for saving electricity. Computer simulations were made to a building at UFSCar, comparing your unique situation with shading elements, eaves and horizontal brises, with models proposed with light shelves installed. The simulation results indicate that the use of natural light redirector device provides power savings of over 50% of the energy required for supplementing the natural light by artificial lighting system.
ALVES NETTO, Ary Rodrigues; BARRETO, Douglas ; AKUTSU, Maria ; BRITO, Adriana Camargo de . Melhoria no desempenho lumínico de edifício com sistema não convencional de iluminação natural. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 13., ENCONTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 9., São Carlos, 2015. Anais… 7 p.
The demand for electricity has been increasing year by year, and the lighting being responsible for much of the energy consumed in buildings and systems in urban areas, demanding action to improve energy efficiency. Use of natural light is one of the factors that contribute most to obtain energy savings of buildings’ lighting. The improvement of energy performance of buildings was through the analysis of light shelves’ behavior. Were performed computer simulations using TropLux program in order to analyze the lighting performance of the environment and thereby quantify the potential for saving electricity. Computer simulations were made to a building at UFSCar, comparing your unique situation with shading elements, eaves and horizontal brises, with models proposed with light shelves installed. The simulation results indicate that the use of natural light redirector device provides power savings of over 50% of the energy required for supplementing the natural light by artificial lighting system.
ALVES NETTO, Ary Rodrigues; BARRETO, Douglas ; AKUTSU, Maria ; BRITO, Adriana Camargo de . Melhoria no desempenho lumínico de edifício com sistema não convencional de iluminação natural. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 13., ENCONTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 9., São Carlos, 2015. Anais… 7 p.