Pirólise rápida como alternativa para produção de biocombustíveis


The fast pyrolysis is a thermochemical process to convert biomass into energy, which aims to maximize the production of liquid bio-oil in particular, its flagship product for the purpose it is intended in the research. This research aims at raising technical and scientific information to know the conversion process and the possibilities of its use for biofuel production. This process can be used different biomass such as bagasse from sugar cane, forest residues, elephant grass, rice husk, among others, with more stringent requirements as the moisture content of up to 10% and the particle size that should have up to 6 mm, depending on the processing power of the reactor. Through the fast pyrolysis we obtain a bio-oil which can be used in the chemical industry, in the generation of electricity and the production of bio-fuels. In subsequent step may also be aerated for use in various kinds of industry, especially chemistry. Being produced in small plants located close to where the raw material is relevant to ensure its competitiveness against other ways of obtaining energy from biomass, it is easy to transport for local beneficiation

SILVA, Ana Paula de Souza; FERREIRA, Oswaldo Poffo; NAHUZ, Marcio Augusto Rabelo . Pirólise rápida como alternativa para produção de biocombustíveis. In: FÓRUM BRASIL SOBRE BIOMASSA E ENERGIA, 2012, Viçosa. Anais… 4p.

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