O uso de hexaclorociclohecano como pesticida e os passivos ambientais: um estudo exploratório


Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) is an organochlorine compound that was very much used between 1940 and 1980 to produce a pesticide known as BHC and lindani. The first country to ban them was Hungary, in 1968. This study aimed to carry out an exploratory study on the HCH, in order to monitor the progress made worldwide in studies of this compound. The largest producers of HCH in the world were China, India and the former Soviet Union. After the discovery of the toxicity of these compounds to the environment the production and use of these became limited, and the first country to ban was Hungary in 1968. Brazil has restricted the use of organochlorine only in 1984. During the production and use of HCH, thousands of sites worldwide have been infected by this compound.


MANÉO, Fernanda Peixoto; MACEDO, Letícia dos Santos; TEIXEIRA, Claudia Echevenguá. O uso do hexaclorociclohexano como pesticida e os passivos ambientais: um estudo exploratório. In: CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE MEIO AMBIENTE SUBSTERRÂNEA, 3., 2013, São Paulo. Proceedings… 4p.

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