O efeito verticalização do edifício e do sistema construtivo na inércia térmica de habitações unifamiliares


Thermal inertia is subject of several researches that indicates their potential in improving the thermal performance of buildings in specific climate conditions. Despite this potential, this concept is not used in Brazilian residential buildings design. It is more common the use of lightweight construction systems prioritizing rationality and lower execution costs. Furthermore these systems are often used in popular tall buildings providing and increased of the number of houses per area. However, the lightweight systems are more affected by outdoor conditions, especially when they are away from the ground, without the contributions of its thermal inertia. This can produce thermal conditions more unfavorable to human comfort, especially in places like São Paulo, where the thermal inertia is essential in building thermal response. This article presents the combined influence of the constructive system and architectural design in the thermal inertia of popular residential buildings. We use as reference of architectural design a single storey dwelling and a townhouse both with “lightweight” and “heavy” systems. The buildings thermal responses were obtained by computer simulations with EnergyPlus program. The results indicates the design is more determinant of the building thermal inertia in lightweight building compared to heavyweight one.

BRITO, Adriana C. de; AKUTSU, Maria; VITTORINO, Fulvio; AQUILINO, Marcelo de Mello; TRIBESS, Arlindo. O efeito verticalização do edifício e do sistema construtivo na inércia térmica de habitações unifamiliares. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 12., ENCONTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 8., Brasília, 2013. Anais… 10 p.

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