O efeito da amplitude diária da temperatura do ar exterior e do resfriamento noturno na inércia térmica de habitação


In this paper was analyzed the thermal behavior of a dwelling in order to verify the effect of the thermal characteristics of the walls, the daily range of outdoor air temperature and the night ventilation in the thermal inertia of the building. It were performed computational simulations using the software EnergyPlus, considering various wall thickness from 5 to 30 cm, the daily amplitude of the external air temperature from 9.2 to 12.2 oC and night ventilation, ventilation from 1 to 5 air changers per hour. The results show significant effects for wall thicknesses of 5 to 15 cm on the thermal inertia of the building

CASTRO, Guilherme Molnar; BRITO, Adriana Camargo de; AKUTSU, Maria; VITTORINO, Fúlvio. O efeito da amplitude diária da temperatura do ar exterior e do resfriamento noturno na inércia térmica de habitação. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 15., 2014, Maceió. Anais…. 7 p.

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