Guidelines for rainwater use in urban areas during crisis period

The southeastern region of Brazil experienced a water supply crisis period, from 2013 to 2015, that brought up several homemade additional water supply solutions, many of them conveyed by various media sectors as innovative. Many of the disclosed solutions are technically inadequate, that denote the need for quality information production and promulgation both to the population as to the media vehicles. The main knowledge gaps, identified using media news as source, were about of the correct rainwater treatment, storage and uses. In order to disseminate and perpetuate the appropriate information, was elaborated a manual, using simplified language and focused on urban domestic public, people without specific technical knowledge. The manual contains guidelines concerning the main steps required to install an emergency rainwater catchment, treatment and reservation system, built apart of main hydraulic building system and that could serve as an additional water supply.
ZANELLA, Luciano; ALVES, Wolney Castilho. Orientações para uso de água de chuva em ambiente urbano durante período de crise hídrica. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE CAPTAÇÃO E MANEJO DE ÁGUA DE CHUVA, 10., 2016, Belém. Anais… 6 p.

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