Sugar cane straw pre-treatment: potential evaluation of torrefaction and leaching processes for contaminants removal


 The availability of sugarcane straw has increased with the use of mechanized harvesting and it has been incorporated with the bagasse to obtain electricity from burning in cogeneration cycles. Straw has an elemental composition in terms of C, H and O very close to that of bagasse. This biomass has critical chemical elements, such as chlorine and potassium, in much higher contents which can cause serious corrosion problems in thermal process reactors and heat exchanger such as combustion, gasification and pyrolysis. Additionally, it causes an increase of the formation and the emission of pollutants. Thus, two processes were studied as an alternative for straw pre-treatment, torrefaction and leaching, to remove these contaminants and to make the thermal processing of straw viable in the industry. The torrefaction process presented chlorine removal efficiency in 62.28 % but presented an increase in the potassium content. Leaching, in turn, showed chlorine and potassium removal efficiency of 77.31 % and 55.35 %, respectively. In addition, other quantitative and qualitative parameters such as energy recovery, ash and moisture variation, corrosion index and waste generation of these processes were also analyzed in the investigation of these processes for contaminant removal.

ALVES, Vittor Rodrigues Santos; USHIMA, Ademar Hakuo; PEIXOTO, Crisley de Souza. Pré-tratameto da palha de cana-de-açúcar: avaliação do potencial dos processos de torrefação e lixiviação para remoção de contaminantes. Revista IPT, Tecnolgia e Inovação, v.4,n.14,p. 35-56, ago., 2020.

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