PRUMO / TS – Solving problems of brightness, scratches and pores in stainless steel surgical implants


Manufacturers of surgical prostheses made ​​of stainless steel generally follow the requirements of ASTM F138: 2008 to require that the surface appearance after the process of electropolishing is brilliant and free from scratches and pores, since surgeons consider the aesthetic appearance as a the criteria for acquiring the material. In one of these companies, such as electropolishing solution and the process were not being effective to provide such aesthetic, it hired BOB / TS (Project Mobile Units for Technological Assistance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) to provide technological advice whose goal was to create new solution eltropolimento and optimize the process. For this, chemical analyzes were performed by ICP, and UVVis gravimetrically to determine the components used in the solution, we used an optical microscope to evaluate the surfaces of the stainless steel before and after optimization and the solution entire process of electropolishing was evaluated. The results provided technical assistance in the creation of a new electropolishing solution, with 70% reduction of hexavalent chromium used, which is toxic to the environment and human health, besides being the most expensive component. This solution provided a higher efficiency for the generation of gloss on the surface of the prosthesis. Moreover, the process of degreasing and washing before the electropolishing was also optimized for greater efficiency of the entire process.


NUNES, Marcela Torquato; CORTEZ, Vinícius Dantas; MAZZARELLA, Vicente Nelson Giovanni; PANOSSIAN, Zehbourn; MATTOS, Cleiton dos Santos. PRUMO/TS: resolução de problema de falta de brilho, riscos e poros em próteses cirúrgicas de aço inoxidável. In: ENCONTRO E EXPOSIÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE TRATAMENTO DE SUPERFÍCIE, 14., INTERFINISH LATINO AMERICAN0, 3., 2012, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABTS, 2012. p.397-403.

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