Propostas de alternativas de gestão da água de chuva no meio urbano a partir de estudo nas cabeceiras do Ribeirão dos Meninos São Bernardo do Campo, SP


This paper presents a case study of the headwaters of Ribeirão dos Meninos (Sao Bernardo do Campo city), aiming to identify the demands for storage of rainwater for the following purposes: use non-potable uses, diffuse pollution control and damping of peak floods by restoring the flow of pre-development. It is proposed that a study guide, which can be replicated in other basins, whereas adjustments are done in order to reproduce the new area is going to be studied. The height of rainfall, or run off to be stored, represents the portion of the impact generated by mitigable soil sealing portion and can capture and storage for use in non-potable uses. These values depend on the physical characteristics, level of occupation, and the demands for use of stored water. Thus, the demand for storage from a height of precipitation of 41 mm of rain, which corresponds to 80% of the calculated run off in 49.85 mm. These results were obtained in an area with 77%of soil sealing, CN = runoff coefficient of 86 and restricting the flow of body water estimated at 13 m3/s. Various techniques are shown to capture and store rainwater volume of precipitate, and presents proposals for design and dimensioning of the structures at the scale of the lot, according to the intended purpose. These data, obtained by mathematical methods, constitute the physical parameters of the management tools and their potential outcomes for the macro watershed. The use of these tools suggest changes in the paradigm of urban settlement, moving towards a more sustainable management of stormwater, based upon the storage and utilization, control runoff and diffuse pollution control

TRINDADE, Tânia Regina; ALBUQUERQUE FILHO, José Luiz. Propostas de alternativas de gestão da água de chuva no meio urbano a partir de estudo nas cabeceiras do Ribeirão dos Meninos São Bernardo do Campo, SP. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 14., 2014, Rio de Janeiro. Anais… CD-ROM.

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