Proposta de base de dados para a gestão das águas subterrâneas da bacia hidrográfica do Rio da Várzea-RS


The water is the key element for the development of life, it is vital for both the natural evolution and progress of a nation. For a long time, there were no significant concerns regarding its use. Groundwater resources management tools have been developed in order to use and protect resources more efficiently considering the actual knowledge of aquifers and the conditions for the movement of their waters. The use of the technologies such as databases and GIS tools enables the characterization of river basin as its potentialities and vulnerabilities, noting the use of the soil and the multiple uses of water, thereby facilitating the analysis and subsequent decision under the environmental resources of the basin. With this, the structure of a database will be used to support the development of the River Basin of the floodplains.

Formentini, Jéssica; Mancuso, Malva Andrea ; Albuquerque Filho, José Luiz ; Kirchheim, Roberto . Proposta de base de dados para a gestão das águas subterrâneas da bacia hidrográfica do Rio da Várzea-RS. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GEOLOGIA DE ENGENHARIA E AMBIENTAL, 15., 2015, Bento Gonçalves. Anais… São Paulo: ABGE, 2015. 7p.

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