Proposta de avaliação dos sistemas de gestão de resíduos de serviços de saúde em organizações hospitalares da administração pública


This research proposes the construction and application of an assessment of the waste management of health care systems. For greater understanding of the study, the literature review were presented the concepts of Waste Management, differentiation between management and management as well as the elaboration and implementation of the Management Plan, legal aspects involved in waste management and an overview of the valuation models found in the literature. The assembly of this instrument was made from a descriptive and exploratory research, with content analysis. Operational, administrative, environmental and financial dimensions were considered for evaluation. Three public organizations of health services were analyzed. It is believed that this preliminary assessment can help improve waste management, serving as a tool for managers in the waste management process and may be worked seamlessly into existing management systems in healthcare organizations in general, the results they indicated its reach and limitations.

CAMPOS, Fabiana dos Santos Pereira; MARANHÃO, Romero de Albuquerque de; TEIXEIRA, Cláudia Echevenguá; STORI, Norberto. Proposta de avaliação dos sistemas de gestão de resíduos de serviços de saúde em organizações hospitalares da administração pública. Espacios, v.37, n.21, p.4-18, 2016.

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