Previsão da magnitude de depósitos de assoreamento devido a processos erosivos induzidos durante a instalação de obras lineares


The possibility of siltation of rivers and water bodies during the construction of linear infrastructure has often been included in the list of impacts identified in the preliminary stages of the process of Environmental Impact Assessment. However, prediction of the magnitude of the deposits generated is almost absent in Environmental Impact Studies conducted in Brazil, particularly in the State of São Paulo. As a result, the assessment of impacts associated with these deposits tends to be limited, affecting the construction environmental management plan and its mitigation measures. The objective of this article is to contribute to the development of procedures that provide prediction of the magnitude of siltation induced by earthworks and movement of soil, guided by the case of installation of roads. To accomplish this purpose, we reviewed the literature focusing on sedimentation forecasting methods and techniques and deposits estimates that can be applied to impact assessment, including relevant indicators. We also identified tools that can be useful for performing quantitative estimates and applied them to a case study of an existing linear infrastructure

FERREIRA, André Luiz; BITAR, Omar Yazbek. Previsão da magnitude de depósitos de assoreamento devido a processos erosivos induzidos durante a instalação de obras lineares. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AVALIAÇÃO DE IMPACTO AMBIENTAL, 1.; CONFERÊNCIA DA REDE DA LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA DE AVALIAÇÃO DE IMPACTOS, 2., 2012, São Paulo. Anais… São Paulo: ABAI, 2012. 10 p.

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