Parques lineares: muito além de uma conexão


This article aims to address issues related to green areas in cities. The urban parks emerged in the late seventeenth century, aiming to be an area free of vegetation structured and dedicated to leisure and contemplation of nature, unlike the linear parks emerged in the nineteenth century to serve as a tool for urban planning and interconnection of existing parks. His concept gained momentum in the U.S. with the creation of the Parkways by Frederick Olmstead. The linear park is constantly on the transformation process in large cities. Beyond a connection they were adding functions ranging from sports to leisure routes of transportation, and preservation of the natural system, drainage, interconnection fragments, scenic routes and historic, economic, cultural, aesthetic and political. Currently, the greatest difficulty for the implementation of linear parks in big cities lies in the value and availability of land. However, the deployment of these parks is a strategy of urban regeneration. Therefore, we intend to analyze the concepts that emerged in the course of its existence and its impacts in the city of São Paulo.


MÁRTYRES, Maysa Ferreira; DEVECCHI, Alejandra Maria; SCABBIA, André Luiz Gonçalves. Parques lineares: muito além de uma conexão. In: SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DO CENTRO DE MEMÓRIA UNICAMP: MEMÓRIA, CIDADE E EDUCAÇÃO DAS SENSIBILIDADES, 7., 2011, Campinas. Anais…. 8p.

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