Panorama do desassoreamento nos rios Tietê e Pinheiros, São Paulo/SP, Brasil


In the context of urban drainage systems, an important issue that has been gaining ground with the technical boards refers to the rivers and canals dredging, where the sediment and waste carrying ends up causing loss of flow capacity by decreasing its depth and its cross section. In the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil, it is estimated that the two main waterways, rivers Tietê and Pinheiros, totalize volumes of annual sediment inflow of about 3 million cubic meters, resulting in annual spending with the dredging of about 160 million brazilian reais. This reality highlights the importance of developing hydrosedimentological studies in the Alto Tietê Basin, to systematically assess the production, transport and deposition of sediments in the Tietê River and its major tributaries, enabling preventative action against sedimentation. In parallel, it is considerable the need for advancement in the studies of technologies for utilization of sediment, ahead of the shortage of areas to dispose it and the possibility of economic returns from dredging activities, reliefing government economies.

COSTA, Samuel Barsanelli; ALMEIDA FILHO, Gerson Salviano; GIUDICE, Silvio Luiz; HELLMEISTER JR., Zeno. Panorama do desassoreamento nos rios Tietê e Pinheiros, São Paulo/SP, Brasil. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE RECURSOS HÍDRICOS, 20., 2013, Beto Gonçalves. Atas… Porto Alegre: ABHR, 2013. 8 p.

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