Padrões de tráfego veicular em São Paulo-SP: evolução espaço – temporal (2008-2015)


This paper aimed to analyze the spatial-temporal patterns of vehicular traffic in the city of São Paulo and to relate them to consequences for the acoustic environment. In order to analyze the spatial-temporal evolution of traffic patterns in the city of São Paulo, data compiled by CET (Traffic Engineering Company) were used through a fluidity monitoring systematic research, published as “Relatório da Mobilidade no Sistema Viário Principal” (MSVP), for the period 2008-2015. In order to infer about the resulting pollution from the studied variables, the calculation of the equivalent volume was performed, considering the weight by the equivalence factor of each vehicle according to traffic composition; and it was considered the sum of the flows in the two ways (center and neighborhood). The results of this study indicate a reduction in the volume of vehicles in the tracks monitored by the CET for the period considered. This reduction, however, is not observed in the values of vehicle fleet for the same period (DENATRAN), leading to believe that there may be an influence of navigation mobile apps on the decision to change routes by the drivers. As a consequence, there is a decrease in the noise levels of the same route, but with the increase of noise levels in nearby streets, it results in a greater discomfort from the point of view of acoustics.

MACIEL, Carolina de R.; SALES, Elisa Morandé; AQUILINO, Marcelo de Mello; AKUTSU, Maria. Padrões de tráfego veicular em São Paulo-SP: evolução espaço -temporal (2008-2015). In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, ENCAC, 15., ENCONTRO LATINO-AMREICANO DE CONFORTO NO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, ELACAC, 11., 2019, João Pessoa. Anais… 10 p.

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