Morphometric and morphological parameters as indicators of the magnitude of debris flow in Serra do Mar Paulista

The main objective of this research was analyze and morphological morphometric parameters watersheds influence in debris flows magnitude occurred in the 1967’s event in Caraguatatuba city, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Were made (a) the mapping, classification and analysis of the debris flow deposits; and (b) the watersheds morphological and morphometric and parameters analysis, considering the relevance of debris flows occurrence. The results confirmed the influence these parameters in the debris flows magnitude and frequency, namely the circularity ratio and slope

DIAS, Vivian Cristina; VIEIRA, Bianca Carvalho; GRAMANI, Marcelo Fischer. Parâmetros morfológicos e morfométricos como indicadores da magnitude das corridas de detritos na Serra do Mar Paulista. Revue Franco-Bréslienne de Geographie, Confins, n.29, 2016. 

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