Concrete strucutres protection


The safety and/or extension of the durability of concrete structures are increasingly required, especially in works that require a high investment in building and maintenance, and also of great social and environmental impact. However, obtaining a durable structure is not an easy task because it involves various actions at the stage of design, specification, implementation, maintenance and use. In Brazil, the study of durability of concrete structures has received attention of many professionals and researchers, been prioritized studies  related to the area of concrete technology, focusing on the strength of the concrete, the use of admixtures abd addtives, in other parameters resulting in improved material properties. Abroad, this concern also exists, but studies are very comprehensive, and offered different products and techniques of cathodic and surface protection. In this work, these techniques are presented and discussed, with emphasis given to those appropriate for sctrutures exposed to aggresive environments, such as in the extensive Brazilian coastline.

PANOSSIAN, Z.; ARAUJO, A. de. Proteção de estrutura de concreto. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DO CONCRETO, 52., 2010, Fortaleza. Anais… São Paulo: IBRACON, 2010.

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