The paper presents an assessment of the wear and corrosion costs both in Brazil and abroad highlighting the data of Telecomunicações de São Paulo S/A-TELESP. Then, it discusses the corrosion and protection techniques emphasizing zinc coatings, addressing their corrosion and protection mechanisms. Finally, the paper presents a case study performed by TELESP involving galvanized adjustable clamps.
KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; CLARO, Z.M.P.T. Revestimento de zinco para proteção contra corrosão. In: ENCONTRO SOBRE MATERIAIS NA INDÚSTRIA ELETRÔNICA E DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES, 3., 1988, Campinas. Anais…. Campinas: TELEBRÁS, 1988. p. 267-284.
The paper presents an assessment of the wear and corrosion costs both in Brazil and abroad highlighting the data of Telecomunicações de São Paulo S/A-TELESP. Then, it discusses the corrosion and protection techniques emphasizing zinc coatings, addressing their corrosion and protection mechanisms. Finally, the paper presents a case study performed by TELESP involving galvanized adjustable clamps.
KAJIMOTO, Z.P.; CLARO, Z.M.P.T. Revestimento de zinco para proteção contra corrosão. In: ENCONTRO SOBRE MATERIAIS NA INDÚSTRIA ELETRÔNICA E DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES, 3., 1988, Campinas. Anais…. Campinas: TELEBRÁS, 1988. p. 267-284.